You’ve probably already seen them across your Instagram feed, Instagram reels are one of the hottest trends in social media right now. Should your brand jump on the bandwagon? Well the short answer is: it depends.

What are Instagram Reels?

Launched August 2020, this new Instagram feature allows users to create and edit 15 second video clips set to music. Sounds a lot like Tik Tok right? Well, Instagram is no stranger to adopting other app strategies as new features (sorry Snapchat). So what’s the main difference between Instagram Reels and Tik Tok? There really isn’t much. However, if you’re looking to grow your social media presence, Instagram boasts a much larger audience and since this is a new feature, you have a better chance of being featured on the Instagram Explore page. Current users have reported seeing an increase in reach and engagement in comparison to their other content.

Should Your Brand be Using Reels?

While it’s always tempting to jump on the bandwagon, you need to think about what Instagram means for your brand. Brands with highly curated feeds use reels to stretch their creative muscles with something longer lasting than an Instagram story. Reels allow brands to test their creativity, show their personality, and entertain followers. But why do people follow you on Instagram? Does a reels strategy make sense for you?

Reels will require more from you and your team, and will require more time and management for proper execution. To succeed with reels, a brand must often do away with the “approval chain” process and in the box thinking in favour of more in the moment creativity. It would be best to create an approved framework that allows social media and creative teams to work in an agile environment to create on-trend viral content that at the same time upholds the brand strategy and overall brand message and goals

What do Reels Mean for your Bottom Line?

As fun as reels are, are they worth the time and effort? As a fairly new feature, there is still no way for your brand to advertise on reels (though this will likely change and we will keep you updated). However, there is a bright side, unlike with stories or IGTV, you CAN crate a video view custom audience to reach people who have engaged with your content. This can be especially handy for product placement. If an audience relates to a certain reel with a certain product, you can retarget that audience with an ad to encourage them to buy.

Is your brand using Instagram Reels? What results have you seen? We’d love to know and share some success stories or cautionary tales.

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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