SEO is an amazing way to gain tangible insights into words within your niche that are being searched for by your target audience. Knowing which words your audience is using can help you guide your content and align to what your target audience is looking for. So how do you get your content in the eyes of your target audience, your potential customers? The answer is creating content that Google will reward by promoting it in the search of your target audience. So how do you do that? Here are some strategies for boosting your SEO ranking

Use keyword rich content in your niche

So you’ve already put yourself in your customers shoes and you know what they want to hear inside and out ( No? I suggest you start here before moving on to SEO). It’s time to really dig into what it is they’re looking for answers to and stop writing Willy nilly . The best way to do this is to do a thorough keyword search. I use Keysearch but you can also use Uber suggest which is a free resource. Type in some keywords in your niche and find keywords that are low competition and high volume. Both platforms also provide you with suggestions on what related keywords your audience is looking for

boost your seo

Be Consistent

Google rewards consistency. The more you post keyword rich content, the more Google sees.So if you’re releasing regular posts, and your keywords are on point and people are looking, Google sees your site as more legit. More legit means Google will rank you higher on their search pages.

Optimize your on page SEO (title, meta description, internal links)

This one is a no brainer. If you optimize your on page SEO, you’re setting yourself up for success in boosting your SEO ranking right from the get go. Make sure your keywords are in your title and meta descriptions (the small preview of the article that appears on the Google search page). It’s equally important to link back to your website and other blog posts in each post. The more links you provide, the more Google will reward you for it. As a reader, links keep you on website for a longer period of time which again, Google likes and more importantly, likes to reward

boost your seo

Make your site mobile friendly

Since more and more people use their phones to search online, Google has shifted to a “mobile-first index.” What this means is Google’s “crawlers” will read your mobile site first. If your site isn’t mobile friendly, it will hurt your position in the search results, leading to less traffic, and fewer leads. You can check your mobile friendliness score right on Google’s website.

Make your content easy to share

The easier you it to share your content on your website and social channels, the more likely people are to share it. The more people share you content, the more organic traffic is channeled to your site and Google loves that! So, make it easy for users to share your content by including social share buttons on your side and encouraging your viewers to share your content. Seeing what content your users are sharing (and resharing) gives you a good gauge for whats resonating for your audience.

social media

Keep the bots happy, but write for your audience

Yes, writing SEO friendly content seems like a lot of rules you need to follow. In a way it’s true. But, you need to find a balance between writing for SEO and writing for your audience. Don’t get too wrapped up in writing for the algorithm that you forget who you’re writing to. Remember bots aren’t people. The audience you’re trying to reach are people, with a language they resonate with. Don’t forget to write the way your target audience talks!

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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