Does This Sound Like You?


Launching Can Be Overwhelming

What it would mean  if...

You had somebody helping you stay organized

You had somebody with a tried and tested method for launching that is repeatable over and over again

You had a high converting sales page template that speaks to your target audience

Even your small audience was a profitable audience.

You had high converting email sequences

Your ads target the right people and generate sales 

Then This 1:1 Product Launch Funnel Package is for You!

here's what you'll get

There are so many elements that go into a successful digital product launch but guess what? I  have the solution for you.

Let me guide you through the process while also implementing everything you need for a successful launch. I'll work with you to get your new digital product/service branded, packaged and in front of your target audience. As you’re perfecting the content I'll be executing The Launch Plan!

From online courses or membership programs to products or online workshops I've got you covered.


Peace of mind knowing your launch marketing is optimized to reach your audience and convert.


A co-ordinated marketing strategy customized to your business but following our tried and tested system. Just leave the tech and marketing to me! 


A high converting campaign that keeps visitors in your sales funnel leading to consistent leads, less time spent finding your ideal customers, and more SALES!

Sounds good?

Let's Break it Down...

Week 1 - Brand Development & Project Management

We'll kick things off with an initial consultation to get to know you and your business.

We'll discuss your ideal client and develop your marketing strategy

We'll set up a project management system so we can stay on time and coordinated

We'll discuss your content strategy and determine the best platforms to reach your audience.

We'll discuss any updates to your current branded materials and/or create a branding strategy.

Fill out a launch questionnaire to bring your goals and dreams for your business to life

Week 2 - Sales Page Outline and Design

We'll craft your course sales page and waitlist page

We'll create high converting copy to appeal to your target audience and entice them to BUY!

I'll create graphic elements for your sales page, web page and marketing materials.


Week 3  -4 Let's Get Marketing

We'll review some inspiration materials to create your ideal product materials

Finalize your course/material layout (workbooks, video cover images, bonus PDFs, banners, buttons, checklists, worksheets etc.)

3x copy revisions

3x layout revisions

Week 5 - Course/Service materials 

Week 6 - Payment Gateways and Delivery Funnels 

Integrate your payment gateways to your sales pages

Set up your delivery funnel (welcome package, content during the program, welcome packages etc.)

Week 7 - Revisions, Testing, LAUNCH!

Test all gateways, buttons, and links

Finalize all course content

Test all purchase email, webinar sales funnels

Pop that bubbly, we're ready to LAUNCH!

We'll start to implement your custom marketing strategy

Create an image/content library

Webinar setup, design and integration (opt-in page, opt in form,  welcome + reminder email series, platform set up , replay + pitch email series)

I'll custom design your marketing materials (social media, email marketing, Facebook ads, etc.)

Email Marketing (promotions for the course, pre and post launch emails, program emails to purchasers, welcome packages etc.)

Are You Ready...  

To have a successful and PROFITABLE launch

To bring your dreams to life with a solid plan of action?

Focus on what you do best, leaving the tech side of your business to me?

Your Investment


(Payable in 2 installments)



Where can I see past examples of your work

We love to showcase our clients on our social media platforms, you can also have a look at some of our case studies here

next question


What is the process for booking?

So happy you asked! First, we’ll get you to fill out this contact form. After that, we’ll book your complimentary consultation to get to know you and your business (to make sure we’re a good fit for eachother). Once you’re ready to move forward, you can reserve your spot with a signed contract and a 50% deposit. That’s when the fun begins, you’ll receive a branding questionnaire to get started and I’ll get to hustin to create your high converting website and marketing.

next question


What is the timeframe for having my website completed?

Our timeline from start to finish is 10 weeks from our agreed upon project start date (we’ll go into more detail during our initial consultation). I ask that during the timeline of our project we are both committed to keeping to the timeline by providing eachother any information, images, revisions feedback etc. that we may need in order to keep your project on schedule.

next question


I’m not an online coach - can I still work with you?

No problem! I’ve worked with a variety of solopreneurs ranging from travel advisors, to hotels, to skincare brands. Just let us know a little about you and your business when you contact me here

next question


Do you provide help with copywriting?

I ask that you provide me with a rough draft of the page content and I’ll take that and edit and spruce it up for you to bring out your brand voice and add engaging marketing copy to attract your ideal client. You know your brand best so I ask for the initial draft for content purposes. I provide a copy coaching session and worksheets to guide you through this draft. I also provide you with outlines for each page to guide you in the type of content (and how much content) that’s needed for each page

next question


Do you provide recommendations on what should be on my website?

Absolutely! This is something that happens during our coaching sessions where we decide the main purpose of your website. This also refers back to the page content guides where I take you through what needs to be on your site to lead to higher conversions, engagement and brand feel.

next question


What Software will you be using for the website package

I build your custom website on Showit. I customize your site based on your needs, aesthetic and brand feel so you’ll never feel like your site is just another generic template. For your doman and hosting, email marketing, online booking calendars, payment gateways and membership sites, I will provide you with a variety of recommendations based specifically for your own needs

next question


Are there any additional costs with this package?

Yes. There are additional costs associated with purchasing your software. Most of these are paid on a yearly or monthly basis. These include your Showit website membership, your domain and hosting, email marketing, online booking calendars, and membership sites. Some of these offer free options, however we will discuss what is best for your business and keep your costs to a minimum based on your individual needs

back to start

"Michelle is simply a powerhouse! Her autonomous, inquisitive and forward-thinking nature led to the elevation of Flight Centre's social media channels. Her energy is infectious and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her!."

Karina Gill
Creative and Content Director, Flight Centre Canada 

What People are Saying...

"It was such a pleasure to work with Roselle Media on a number of projects. Whenever we need a website refresh or need to find new traffic streams, Michelle is the first person we turn to."

Holly Macleod
Owner, FIKA

What People are Saying...

Lorem ipsum, 2016.

"The coffee industry is always evolving. We constantly need to keep our branding and website fresh and on trend. Michelle always has her finger on whats hot in design at the moment and we've never been left behind. We never hesitate to give her a call"

Dan Dukes
Owner, Industry Beans

What People are Saying...

Brands I've Worked With

Your Investment


(Payable in 2 installments)


Let's be


I send you weekly inspo, strategies, and content created with you and your biz in mind. Because who likes getting one more email you'll never use, am I right?


Let's Be

let's hang

on the gram!