You try and juggle it all but sometimes it just doesn't work out. Why? Because You're burning the candle at both ends and not taking enough time away from your business. Your work-life balance is all out of whack and you're suffering the consequences. Here are some tips, tricks and inspiration to help you bring your life back into balance and live the life you're meant to be (and should be) living

Running a Business Through Grief

Work Life Balance

How to Run a Business Through Grief

Sorry Taylor, just because you can do it with a broken heart doesn’t mean you should. Of course staying busy is an excellent way to avoid thinking about things you’d rather not but that doesn’t mean you’re adequately dealing with your grief. Jumping into work may seem like the answer to your problems, but ignoring […]

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Productivity, Work Life Balance

How to Avoid Burnout

We’ve all been there. That feeling of dread going in to work, that work mood that you just can’t shake when you get home. That foggy feeling you get when you don’t know what you’re doing when you should be doing it. Friends, that’s a clear sign of burnout. Burnout is when your mind and […]

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Signs of Burnout: Headaches

Productivity, Work Life Balance

Signs of Burnout

We’ve all experienced some form and degree of burnout. Have you ever been told by your significant other or your family to stop bringing your work home with you because you’re in a perpetual mood? Have you ever just stared at your computer screen and just not know what to do? Have you ever woken […]

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Productivity, Work Life Balance

Stop Multitasking!

Let’s stop the madness. Let’s stop thinking of multitasking as some kind of badge of honour. It’s not. We’re conditioned to believe that the more we do at once, the harder the worker we are, the farther we’ll get ahead, the more time we’ll have at the end of the day. In reality, multitasking prevents […]

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What's Your

hey there!

I'm Michelle

I'm the woman behind the blog (and the CEO of Roselle)

I'm an online funnel strategist and business educator. I've helped brands big and small automate their marketing and sales using our million dollar (yes, you read that right!) funnel strategy that will turn your business into an efficient, lead generating sales machine!

I'm here to help you take charge of your life and your business. Imagine having the freedom to work when you want, and where you want because you're in charge of your business and it doesn't run you.

It's possible because I've done it and

I'm the woman behind Roselle Media Co!

I'm an online funnel strategist and business educator. I've helped brands big and small automate their marketing and sales using our million dollar (yes, you read that right!) funnel strategy that will turn your business into an efficient, lead generating sales machine!

It's possible because I've done it and YOU CAN DO IT TOO!


Let's be


I send you weekly inspo, strategies, and content created with you and your biz in mind. Because who likes getting one more email you'll never use, am I right?


Let's Be

let's hang

on the gram!