One of the best things about running your own business is independence. You choose your hours, your clients, and best of all your location. From running a completely remote business online, to taking advantage of a vacation of your own choosing, these posts will help you navigate a whole new world of opportunity with some of my top tips for life as a digital nomad.

Digital Nomad Life, Mexico

Best Cafe’s in Mexico City to Work From

What would a Digital Nomad’s Guide to Mexico City be without cafes to work from. Here are just a few of my favourites. But rest assured there are many more to choose from. Here are some of my picks for the best cafe’s in Mexico City to work from Blend Station, various locations With several […]

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Best Things to do in Mexico City - Bellas Artes

Digital Nomad Life, Mexico

Digital Nomad’s Guide to Mexico City

It’s gritty, it’s busy, it’s highly disorganized, but it’s also full of life, culture, and things to do. Mexico City is an easy city to integrate into, is relatively inexpensive and makes a perfect home base when you’re a digital nomad. So here’s my digital nomad’s guide to Mexico City Table of Contents About Living […]

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Instagrammable spots - paris

Digital Nomad Life, Europe, France

Digital Nomad’s Guide to Paris

Paris might not be the first place that you think of as a digital nomad. Yes, it’s expensive, Yes, it’s difficultish to find a place to live. But for some like myself, living in Paris is an absolute dream come true and believe it or not, it is starting to attract more nomads from around […]

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Best Cafe's in Paris for Digital Nomads - La Fontaine de Belleville

Digital Nomad Life, Europe, France

Best Café’s in Paris for Digital Nomads

For many Parisians, pulling out a laptop at your table is unheard of, but times are quickly changing for some of Europe’s most stubborn cultural holdouts. The rise of remote work and the lure of working from Paris is too hard to resist. And to be honest, Paris isn’t cheap so for many of us, […]

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The Fives Downtown Lobby

Digital Nomad Life, Hotel Reviews, Mexico

The Fives Downtown Playa Hotel Review

Sleek, trendy, and fun are all perfect adjectives to describe a stay at the Fives Downtown Playa del Carmen. It’s perfect for an hip urban getaway or chill place to set down your laptop. Located right at the edge of 5th Avenue, the absolute centre of all the action in Playa del Carmen, you’re right […]

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Digital Nomad Life, Hotel Reviews, Mexico

Nizuc Resort and Spa Review

Tucked away on an idyllic stretch of beach away from the hustle and bustle of the Cancun hotel zone and Playa del Carmen lies Nizuc, a five star (or depending on who you read, 6 star) luxury resort on the southern tip of Cancun. If you’re a digital nomad like myself, this hotel is the […]

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Marley Coffee Playa del Carmen

Digital Nomad Life

Best Cafes for Digital Nomads in Playa Del Carmen

As a digital nomad there’s so much to love about Playa del Carmen, Mexico. From hot sunny weather year round, (ok minus seaweed season May to September), the incredible nightlife, restaurant scene, cost of living and of course fast wifi. So after much research here’s my list of the best cafes for digital nomads in […]

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Digital Nomad Cafe - Cinta

Digital Nomad Life

What Makes a Café Digital Nomad Friendly?

Just because a cafe has free wifi, doesn’t make it a digital nomad friendly cafe. Have you ever sat down at a cafe, ordered a cup of coffee, opened your laptop and were given the “you better order more than just one cup” kind of glare. If you’re an experienced nomad, no doubt you’ve felt […]

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Digital Nomad Life, Hotel Reviews, Mexico

Unico 20º87º Hotel Review

Can an all inclusive hotel ever be Digital Nomad Friendly? Well it turns out that yes. Yes it can! Unico 20°87° has created the perfect oasis where digital nomads can work (if you must) and play. I recently spent 4 magical days here while visiting Riviera Maya, here’s my honest review: About the Hotel Unico […]

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Lisbon Tram

Digital Nomad Life

A Guide to Lisbon for Digital Nomads

For digital nomads, even contemplating a move to Europe once seemed frivolous. Living in Europe long term just wasn’t a smart financial idea when there are so many less expensive options out there in the world. For some though, the lure of Europe is almost irresistible. Big cities like Paris, London and even Rome will […]

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I'm Michelle

I'm the woman behind the blog (and the CEO of Roselle)

I'm an online funnel strategist and business educator. I've helped brands big and small automate their marketing and sales using our million dollar (yes, you read that right!) funnel strategy that will turn your business into an efficient, lead generating sales machine!

I'm here to help you take charge of your life and your business. Imagine having the freedom to work when you want, and where you want because you're in charge of your business and it doesn't run you.

It's possible because I've done it and

I'm the woman behind Roselle Media Co!

I'm an online funnel strategist and business educator. I've helped brands big and small automate their marketing and sales using our million dollar (yes, you read that right!) funnel strategy that will turn your business into an efficient, lead generating sales machine!

It's possible because I've done it and YOU CAN DO IT TOO!


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