Finally starting that side hustle? Maybe you're looking at turning that side hustle into a full-time business? Or maybe you're already turning your dreams of being a full time entrepreneur into a successful reality. Whichever stage of entrepreneurship you're in, CONGRATULATIONS! These posts are designed to help you through every part of your journey, and it's one heck of a ride! 

Books Entrepreneurs Should Read in 2023


Books Entrepreneurs Should Read in 2023

I still remember years ago, walking through my local bookstore, thinking how boring, white, and male  the business section is. Things sure have changed. There are now a variety of books written from many different perspectives and by more diverse authors. So here’s my rundown of books that I think entrepreneurs should read in 2023. […]

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What does your Client want

Business, Web and Branding

How to Do a Competitive Brand Analysis

A competitive brand analysis provides you with insight into businesses that operate within your industry and gives you valuable insight into your target market and what drives them to purchase.  In a competitive analysis, you identify your top competitors, and research all the aspects of their company (that you have access to of course, nothing […]

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Ideal Customer


How to Define Your Ideal Customer or Client

Knowing and really understanding your customers is one of (if not the) most important parts of a profitable business. Everything you do in your business should be done with your ideal customer or client in mind. But how do you define one ideal customer when you could be helping so many other people? Who are […]

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Best Books 2021


Top Books for Female Entrepreneurs in 2022

What a year! Despite everything that’s happened this year, 2021 did provide us all with the opportunity to stay home, take stock of our lives, improve our skills and maybe even take up some new hobbies. One of the things I’ve been grateful for is settling into a new routine and making time for enriching […]

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Starting a Business from the Ground up

So you’re looking at starting a business. Don’t know where to start? Branching off on your own can be an exciting prospect, but also a daunting exercise if you’re not focused about it. This can be especially overwhelming when you have big dreams and big ideas you want to realize. It’s easy to lose track […]

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Change the way you do business and save more time doing what you do best!

Funnel Fuel?

What's Your

hey there!

I'm Michelle

I'm the woman behind the blog (and the CEO of Roselle)

I'm an online funnel strategist and business educator. I've helped brands big and small automate their marketing and sales using our million dollar (yes, you read that right!) funnel strategy that will turn your business into an efficient, lead generating sales machine!

I'm here to help you take charge of your life and your business. Imagine having the freedom to work when you want, and where you want because you're in charge of your business and it doesn't run you.

It's possible because I've done it and

I'm the woman behind Roselle Media Co!

I'm an online funnel strategist and business educator. I've helped brands big and small automate their marketing and sales using our million dollar (yes, you read that right!) funnel strategy that will turn your business into an efficient, lead generating sales machine!

It's possible because I've done it and YOU CAN DO IT TOO!


Let's be


I send you weekly inspo, strategies, and content created with you and your biz in mind. Because who likes getting one more email you'll never use, am I right?


Let's Be

let's hang

on the gram!