I still remember years ago, walking through my local bookstore, thinking how boring, white, and male  the business section is. Things sure have changed. There are now a variety of books written from many different perspectives and by more diverse authors. So here’s my rundown of books that I think entrepreneurs should read in 2023. Plus a couple I’m really excited to read the moment they come out.

The Power of Fun, by Catherine Price

Books Entrepreneurs should read 2023

Since when did becoming an adult, or excelling in your career mean yu stop having fun? This book explores the idea that as we grow up we begin to equate the concept of fun as something unproductive, selfish, and indulgent.  This book shows you that the key to a successful, healthier work life balance is bringing fun back into our lives.

The Courage to be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

The Courage to Be Disliked

How many times have you stopped yourself from saying or doing something out of fear of what someone else thinks?  Whether its voicing an opinion, doing something creative, doing something that makes you look weird. This book is a wonderful illustration of the beauty of going against the norm. About doing what you feel is right for you, and the liberation of finding your why on your terms. 

Sorry I’m Late I Didn’t Want to Come, by Jessica Pan

Sorry I’m Late I Didn’t Want to Come

This book is for all my introvert friends and readers out there. A large part of running your business is interacting with strangers. It’s about interacting with customers or associates and goes beyond just posting on social media. In this book the author puts herself in uncomfortable social situations and fights her introverted tendencies. She puts herself out there, meets new people and tells the story of all her adventures and misadventures in a hilarious and relatable way.

Lost Connections, by Johann Hari

Lost Connections

The life of a business owner is hard. Life can throw you around sometimes and then you’re expected to suck it up and go to work like nothing is happening. If you suffer from bouts of depression or you have difficulty navigating between your work and personal life when shit hits the fan or maybe you’re not prepared for the day it will, this book is a must read for when it inevitably does.

Multipliers, by Liz Wiseman


Whether you’re the CEO of your own business, a manager or an aspiring leader, this book is a must read. It’s about time we stop equating leadership with a culture fear. This book explains what a good leader does for their team, and as a result, their company’s future. A successful leader is one that sets their team up for success in their absence. A leader is one who makes their team smarter, and therefore more equipped to do their job.

Surrounded by Idiots, by Thomas Erikson

Surrounded by Idiots

If you’ve read the Four Love Languages, this book is based on the same principle for your work life. Your office (or people you communicate with in any situation) is full of different personality types. How you communicate with each of these personalities determines whether or not your message hits the mark. An eye opener of a book if you’ve ever tried to understand what’s going through your coworkers heads sometimes

The First 90 days, by Michael D. Watkins

The First 90 Days

For the past few years many of us have had to make transitions in our lives and as a result, many of us have struggled to adapt. Whether it’s working from home, losing your job, getting promoted, or thinking about starting your own business. This book will help you navigate through those changes in your life and provide you with a 90 day blueprint to help you make that transition as seamless as possible.

The Culture Map, by Erin Mayer

The Culture Map

Whether you work from home, in the office or you’re a digital nomad, our work is now less bordered. Meaning, it is easier and more crucial now to work with people from anywhere in the world. Our success in this globalized and virtual world requires us to understand how other cultures behave in the workplace. Erin Meyer’s research help peoples working across very different cultures find common ground to understand each other and work together.

Loonshots, by Safi Bachall


Have you ever had a crazy idea that you know is good but your idea gets shot down by your boss or your coworkers for being too “out there”. New, bold ideas challenge the status quo, require more effort to act and as a result, often get left behind. However, it is the challenging ideas, the ideas that disrupt how things are done that inevitably move us ahead. Loonshots examines the science behind these transitions and is a must read for any creative entrepreneur out there

Nudge: The Final Edition, by Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein


What are the obstacles in your life that keep you from moving forward? In you daily “choice architecture” what has helped you make a choice that moved you forward. This book is far from new, but has recently been updated to reflect our current situations, experiences, and choices. This books helps you discover how to eliminate the “sludge” in your life that is holding you back and how to bring the fun back into your decision making to move forward.

The Perfectionists Guide to Losing Control, by Katherine Morgan Schaffer

Perfectionists Guide to Losing Control

I always say that progress is better than perfection. However, what if it’s possible to harness your perfectionist tendencies! Katherine Morgan Schaffer shows you that there are different kinds of perfectionists. Once you identify which perfectionist you are you can make it work for you, not against you.

Two books that I can’t wait to come out

Two Weeks Notice, by Amy Porterfield

Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield

I may be a bit biased here, but my marketing mentor, Amy Porterfield is coming out with her first book! I cannot emphasize to you how her words have the power to change your life. In Two Weeks Notice, Amy helps you take action on your dreams. Whether it’s about finally getting that promotion, starting your own business, or living a life of financial and lifestyle freedom. If you’re sitting on the fence about how to move forward, this book I’m sure will help you as much as she has helped me over the years

Tough Titties, by Laura Belgray

Tough Titties

Have you ever had to put pen to paper (or finger to key) to an idea, but just havent had the ability to write down what you’re thinking. Laura Belgray has this innate ability to speak to you as if you’re just having a chat in her living room. Sign up for her emails to see how. In this new book, Laura writes all about her life, work and she is sure to inspire you to just write how you talk and embrace your eccentricities. This is undoubtedly a future bestseller

What are the book you recommend for entrepreneurs in 2023?

Michelle Sign Off

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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