So you’ve got an amazing product that you know your audience will love and would help make their lives easier. Of course it’s an investment, so how do you position your product as something they can’t live without and can’t resist? That all comes down to creating a high converting sales page. There’s a lot that goes into a high converting sales page when you think about it. It’s not just “here’s my product, this is how it solves your problems, here’s the price”. A sales page that gets you that sale is well thought out, and designed to sell. Here’s what you need:

Grab Attention

This is all about that attention grabbing headline. Your headline should be front and centre and should speak to a problem that is common for your audience or should speak to a result they want to achieve. When your customer is reading your sales page copy, and especially the headline, they’re thinking “What’s in it for me? How does this benefit me?” Consider the feature of your product and the benefits your audience would gain from buying it. Pique their curiosity from the get go then hit them with the goods


A high converting sales page is nothing without design. Your sales page needs to not only show your amazing product, but it must be presented in a way that guides your customer through the purchase process. The design should be clean and without distraction (no outbound links other than to your checkout page), and leave them with no unanswered questions. Think about how you made your last purchase. You see a product, you scroll down to what it is, what it does, and what it will mean for you, then you look at the price. A sales page is no different. Don’t lead with a price before showing the value of your product. Think of your sales page as your online salesperson. It must be logical, easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing.

sales page

Write to your audience, use their language

Make sure your copy is speaking to your audience. This is where knowing your customer avatar comes in so handy. Knowing their age, interests, likes, dislikes all helps you figure out how to talk to your audience. Do they prefer to be spoken to more formally or are you speaking to them as your friends. Both can sell the same product, but knowing what attracts your audience will go a long way to selling your product.

Address pain point and offer a solution

This is where you show your audience that you understand their struggles, that you relate to them, that you understand their frustrations and that you have the answers to their problems. Use their language, explain your own story and what you’ve discovered an dhow your product or system or service is the solution they’ve been looking for.

sales page design


There is some debate as to whether to include pricing on a sales page. I’m strongly in the include camp. Remember what I said earlier, successful sales page design is logical, and distraction free. Lets be real. Once we’re interested in a product what’s the next logical thing we ask: “What’s the price?”. Don’t have your audience have to navigate to the checkout page just to figure out what the cost of your product is. You don’t want your customer leaving your sales page until you’ve answered all their questions. A checkout page is just what it is, a checkout page, it shouldn’t be where your customer looks for answers, it’s where they look to buy!

Urgency, Scarcity, and an in your face CTA

We live in a distraction rich society. Subtlety is so 5 years ago. If you want your audience to buy you have to tell them to, and you have to really make it stand out. Gone are the days where asking for a sale is tacky. Some may still say it is, but believe me, if you want to make a sale online, you have to bring in some FOMO into your sale. Emphasize phrases like “last chance”, “5 spots left” and “buy now”. Stop your audience mid scroll to see what you’re offering, and better yet, buy what you’re offering

Build trust and social proof

90% of people who find your page aren’t ready to buy from you…yet. Fill your social media feed with valuable content that addresses the needs of your ideal customer. Better yet, don’t forget to post about people you’ve helped. Share stories of transformations that Show your new subscriber what life could be like if they hit that purchase button.

social media

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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