We’ve all experienced some form and degree of burnout. Have you ever been told by your significant other or your family to stop bringing your work home with you because you’re in a perpetual mood? Have you ever just stared at your computer screen and just not know what to do? Have you ever woken up with that immediate feeling of dread? Chances are you’ve experienced these feelings to some varying degree. Some are mild but if left alone, it could very well turn into something more severe and ultimately more dangerous. Here are the top 5 signs of burnout you should be looking out for

Difficulty concentrating

You’ve got so much on your plate that you’re having trouble clearing your mind. You have trouble even putting together a list of things to do without your mind wandering off to God knows where. You don’t even know. Being in a perpetual state of confusion and unfocus goes against our wiring as human beings. Our brains are logical, sensical. If we remain in a state where we can’t or aren’t able to concentrate, our minds burnout. It’s not something to laugh of or take lightly. We often incorrectly brush it off as us getting older, or joke that we have ADHD to mask what’s really going on. ADHD is no joke, and you shouldn’t treat is as such.

Signs of Burnout: concentration

Easily irritated

Does work irritate you so much that you find yourself being irritated outside of the workplace? You’re just always in a funk that you can’t seem to get out of. Do you take it out on your friends and your family? Does the slightest inconvenience set you off at work? Sure we all get irritated in the workplace, but most of the time we find another solution or another way and we move on. Burnout happens when we just can’t let the little things go and dwell on it all day long.

Signs of Burnout: Irritated

You can’t get out of bed in the morning

There’s the feeling you can’t get up after a late night out or after a few drinks and there’s the feeling that you don’t want to get out of bed because you don’t want to. Again, we’ve all had those days, but when you’re suffering from burnout, these days happen all the time if not everyday. It’s that feeling of dread, the feeling that nothing good awaits you outside of your covers. It’s a state that you can’t seem to shake and takes every ounce of willpower to resist.

Can't get out of bed

You’re unable to feel joy in your accomplishments

Imagine you’ve just finished that task that’s been the bane of your existence for days, maybe weeks even. You’ve done a great job and your work is recognized. How do you feel? If you’re able to enjoy the moment and celebrate your accomplishments, then congratulations! If you’re experiencing burnout, you’re not able to take joy out of any accomplishment or job done.

Signs of Burnout: No Joy

Experiencing headaches and stomach aches that won’t go away.

Assuming there’s no medical reason why you’re suffering from headaches and stomachaches for a prolonged period of time, it could be burnout that’s the cause. When I was suffering through burnout, I had this headache that I just couldn’t shake. At first it only happened at work but eventually it became a headache that lasted almost the entire day. I finally realized I had burnout when my stomach would just cringe all day, but especially during really stressful times. 

Signs of Burnout: Headaches

The sooner we recognize the symptoms of burnout, the sooner we have the power to deal with it. If left untreated, burnout can lead to more severe outcomes: ulcers, heart disease and even diabetes. So do yourself a favour, if you recognize these symptoms, recognize them for possible signs of burnout before it takes over your life. Once we recognize the signs of burnout, it’s easier to change our course of action.

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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