Your website is your digital storefront. Without that in-person connection, your website really needs to be doing all the work for you and needs to answer all the questions a visitor and potential customer has about your business. So if your website isn’t converting, meaning your visitors aren’t taking the actions you want them to take, you need to look closely at why your site isn’t doing it for you.

 Here are 5 reasons why your website isn’t converting:

Your Site Doesn’t Look Professional

No matter how great your product is, if your site doesn’t look professional it’s not going to generate sales. Not only that, but your potential customers aren’t even going to bother having a look around. 


Terrible Mobile Experience

Did you know that as of May 2022, 54% of web users were mobile users?We tend to design things on the largest surface we have. And why not? It’s just easier that way. But what happens when what we’ve designed doesn’t translate well on mobile views? Yes, most website builders come equipped with an automatic mobile design functionality, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it looks right. This is especially troublesome with drag and drop website builders. So don’t trust the machine, go into your mobile design and check that it looks right yourself!

mobile experience

Website Load Speed

Nothing kills website conversion faster than a website that doesn’t load quickly. The biggest culprit to a sluggish website is the size of the images on the site. To optimize your load speed your images should be no bigger than 1500px wide and 1000px tall

Website Development

Your Visitors Don’t Know Who You Are, or What You Do

5 seconds. You only have 5 seconds (or less) before your website visitors decide whether they want to know more about you or not. So, you need to tell your audience who you are and what you do within those 5 seconds. The best way to do this is to pack this information above the fold on your website, meaning the area your visitors see at first glance before they start scrolling.

Web Design

Your Visitors Don’t Know What You Want Them To Do

If you’ve only got 5 seconds to make an impression on your website visitors, you’ve also got to tell them what it is you want them to do in those 5 seconds. Make your call to action (CTA) big, obvious, and above the fold. Big bright buttons usually do the trick. Hook them in and keep them on your site. Constantly pique their curiosity with something amazing that you can do for them if they only click that CTA.

Call To Action

Adjusting your website conversion strategy using these 5 principles will instantly help you hook that incoming traffic. Remember, what’s the point of having all that great content if you can’t keep traffic on your site!

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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