Building your email list is an incredibly powerful way to connect with your audience, gain visibility, authority and sell to your ideal clients. Unlike Instagram or Facebook, your email list is something you own and have control over. Imagine your hot leads on Instagram deciding one day that they no longer want to use the platform. Without any other way to reach this lead, poof, that lead is gone. FOREVER (well maybe unless they decide to come back but you won’t have a way to reach out and beg them to come back). So, if you’re looking to get your first 1000 email subscribers and not rely on your clients fickle relationship with social media, here are 6 easy ways to do it.

email subscribers

Create and Post Original content weekly

This might be the most important step to building your email list. Nothing builds raving fans like delivering value packed content to your audience. Whether it’s a blog post, podcast, video, when you’re in front of your ideal customer consistently, providing content that inspires, educates and helps solve their problems, you’re making a connection that gradually builds trust and authority.

What does your Client want

Stick to 3 Platforms

Getting your first 1000 email subscribers is no easy feat. Don’t over extend yourself by creating content on every platform there is. Can somebody say burnout? That’s not sustainable! Find 3 of the top platforms and mediums your audience is using and focus on promoting your email list there and ONLY there.

Create a Lead Magnet, 

A lead magnet is a free valuable resource that you offer your audience in exchange for their email list. To create a successful lead magnet, you need to create a piece of content that you know your audience wants and needs from you. This should be your most valuable piece of content and should leave them thinking “Wow! If this is free I can’t wait to find out what else they’ve got for me”. Do they need to change their mindset? Do they need a quick, actionable win today to gain momentum? Your lead magnet should help them with that. Ask yourself what your ideal audience needs to know, be aware of, or believe in to want your paid product, program or service down the road. 

lead magnet

Create a Opt-In Page and Thank You Page

Once you’ve created your lead magnet, you’ll need to create an opt-in page to collect names and emails using your email service provider (ESP), and a thank you page. When your opt-in and Thank you pages are set up and integrated with your ESP, you can then begin to email them with weekly content. At Roselle we love Kartra, but we’re also huge fans of Flodesk and ActiveCampaign

Email your subscribers weekly 

You’ve done all the work of luring in your new subscribers, so it’s important you don’t forget about them. If they’ve downloaded your lead magnet, lead them through a welcome email sequence, and get them excited to hear from you every week. 

lead magnet

Share your Weekly Content and Lead Magnet on Social Media

People are baring it all on social media today. But, how many times have you seen someone promote their freebies on their social channels? Wanna know who? It’s the savviest of business owners that’s who. Find a spot in your bio, or your link in bio, or even your highlights to easily share and provide access to your lead magnet. Don’t just promote it once, promote it often and lead people through your sequence.

Engage in Real Conversations with Your Audience

When you engage with your audience, you really get to learn what makes them tick. Is there something they’re stuggling with? What brings them joy? is there something they need right now? What keeps them up at night? Ask questions in your social media posts, in the comments, jump into conversations or hit them up in the DMs. Most important is to listen to what they are saying. The more you know about your audience, the more you can support them and provide them with content (and products) they want!

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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