When thinking about how to build an email nurture sequence, you always want to think about creating value to your subscribers, learning about your audience (Based on email open rates), asking questions and providing relevant resources consistently. The best way to stay top of mind for your subscribers is to create a weekly newsletter that you send out on the same time and same day every week. The easiest way to consistently send out emails that engage your subscribers is to follow a 5-part value sequence.

Creating an email nurture sequence

What is an Email Nurture Sequence?

Essentially, what an email nurture sequence is, is an organized system you use to send emails to your subscribers. Rather than sending out emails out willy nilly about any rhyme or reason, a nurture sequence is designed to warm your audience up to what action you want them to take in the long run.

Define Your Customer

Here’s how it works:

Whether you send emails once a week, twice a week or three times a week, the best sequence to follow when sending emails is to follow a 1x Question email 3x value emails 1x link sequence

Question emails

This email is all about getting to know your audience by asking them a question. Ask them things that will help you learn about their pain points, challenges, desires and goals. The answers they provide will help you sell them the right products. Pro Tip: Tag them based on their responses so you can send them more targeted emails in the future. While your response rate might not be high, it will allow you to see who your biggest fans are and what they’re looking for. This also whitelists your email address in their email inbox so they’re more likely to receive your emails and not have to look in their junkmail folder

Value Emails: 

These emails are all about adding value and value only. These emails shouldn’t include any links. Your email should provide all the value directly in your message. This allows your audience to stay focused on your email and not be pulled into another tab or page. The more value you provide in your emails, the more your audience will trust you and open the next ones you send them.

Link Emails:

This is the email where you share a link to take your audience somewhere. This could be a link to subscribe to your YouTube video, your latest podcasts, register for a webinar, download a freebie, take a survey etc… This is where you include a CTA that is specific and clear so there’s no doubt what you want your audience to do.

Why this Sequence Works

You can have these emails go in any order that works best for you and your audience, and repeat it over and over. Once you have your sequence down pat, it makes planning out and batching your content a breeze. Once you’ve finished one 5 email sequence in its entirety its important to look at your results, so you can inform what worked, and what didn’t before you even begin planning for your next 5 email batch sequence. Be sure to track your open rates, click rates, and unsubscribes and optimize your next sequence accordingly.


I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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