If you think all that goes into a thank you page is a good ol thank you, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your new subscribers (and remind them of how awesome you are). Think about how many times you’ve signed up for a freebie and then completely forgotten about it. Left to collect dust in your inbox. With an optimized Thank You page you not only tell your subscribers how to download your amazing freebie, you remind them why they signed up. So here are the three things you absolutely need to have on your email thank you page.

Where to find your freebie

So someone just signed up for your amazing freebie. They’ve entered into your welcome email sequence. You’d think that’s enough, but how many times have you signed up for a freebie and all you get is a thank you for signing up. You’re left wondering “Did I miss a button to click?”” Where’s my freebie?”. We live in an impatient world. Instant gratification is a real thing. The moment someone signs up for your freebie, you need an email thank you page to let them know where to find it. A simple “you’re freebie is on its way to your inbox, check your junk mail if you don’t see it”. Even better, add in an option to download the freebie right then and there. Remember, your hottest lead is at the exact moment they sign up for your email, so don’t make them wait!

Reiterate Value Within the Email Thank You Page

If your hottest lead happens the moment they sign up for a freebie, then you’ll need to entice them to open the freebie right away. Remind them how this freebie will make their lives easier right NOW. It can be something simple like “Get Ready to Save 3 hours of your day Right Now”.  Not only do you want to reiterate the value of your freebie, but you’ll want to reiterate the value of receiving your emails. Ensure you have a double opt in form included in your thank you page to not only be GDPR compliant, but also to improve the health of your email list. You really only want to include subscribers that are actually interested in hearing from you and are not just there because they wanted the freebie

Link to Other Resources Like Your Blog, Podcast, Youtube Channel, Social Media Channels in Your Email Thank You Page

Maybe your subscriber really can’t dive into your freebie right away, but let them know where else they can find you. Include a link to your podcast, your YouTube channel, your blog, and your social media channels. The goal of any one of your landing pages is to keep people engaged on your website or your business platforms for as long as possible. This not only keeps them interested and focused on you, but keeps Google (and your social platforms) watching. The more time they spend with you, the more they see from you and the higher you rank in SEO and the algorithms. Make your entire brand irresistible for your new subscribers.

Bonus: a Welcome video from you

While not an essential part of your thank you page, a video greeting welcoming your new subscriber is a great way to make a first impression. It allows your subscriber to get to know the actual person behind your brand. Once people see a face, an actual person there to help them, you become more real and more trustworthy. You become a new friend and hopefully a mentor to your audience. So if “showing up” and being on camera for your audience is a priority for your business, don’t forget to include it in your Thank you page. Better yet, you film it once, set it and forget it.

I'm Michelle Rose. I'm a website and marketing funnel expert, productivity consultant, and an online business educator. I turned a COVID layoff into a 7 figure business in just 10 months using the right funnels and systems. My mission is to help other business owners maximize their time and freedom while creating a profitable business.

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